
SparkData 培训项目简介

SparkData 起始于2013 年,专注于大数据分析,财会金融,信息工程等领域,赋能专业理念,构架职业桥梁。我们携手强大的导师团队,提供全加拿大最专业的从校园到职场的一站式职业培训服务。迄今为止,有数百名学生通过技术培训和求职辅导,顺利进入加拿大五大银行,三大电信,政府部门,各类医药/保险/零售业等知名公司工作,成功率超过 90%.


此外, SparkData公司与加拿大名企保持亲密的合作关系,目前已与加拿大和中国多个合作方达成战略协作,形成技能培训——项目实战操作——求职辅导——工作内推的产业布局,旨在为学生提供更前沿的课程覆盖与更优质的求职资源。


Data Scientist 集训营

Below are the main contents of this advanced training, which cover the most-often used techniques in business analytics.


  • Multiple linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, neural network, deep learning, random forest and gradient boosting.
  • Model diagnostics and residual analysis.
  • Model building process: performance definition, data sampling, data cleansing, variable transformation/imputation, missing values /outliers, WOE technique, variable selection procedure.
  • Model validation: cross validation, decile analysis, lift curve, odds chart, KS, GINI , ROC, AUC, bootstrapping and boosting.
  • Model implementation and strategies.
  • Model calibration and refreshment.
  • Homework after each class and hands-on model building projects with real work data.
  • Modeling Tools: SAS, JMP, Python.


Practical modeling methods, real work practice, business insights, business interpretation and application.

Approach: Live lecture by Zoom, 3h each weekend. Open discussion and peer model review.

This training program explores the practical uses and approaches of statistical modeling in real industries which is very different from university courses. Instead, it focuses on the practical modeling methods, real work practice, business insights/interpretation and applications. It includes multiple hands-on projects which allow you to gain the essential modeling skills very quickly.

零基础 Python 编程

名师: Dr. Wang, 华中科技大学博士。超过10 年的大学任教和大数据分析经验。 现在加拿大三大电信之一的 Telus 电信公司任数据科学家。

精品:ZOOM 实时授课,12 小时课程,内含一个银行实战项目。针对大数据分析,可以迅速掌握和使用 Python 这一重要分析工具,开始进行大数据分析。


  • Data types in Python: scalar, list, tuple, dict, series, data frame etc.
  • Read in data from various sources such as CSV, delimited files, Excel and databases.
  • NumPy and pandas packages for data analysis and manipulation:
    Sort/dedup data, subset and expand data, data aggregation and rollup, data reshape and mutation, create analytic reports.
  • Write out data to create external files such as CSV, text, Excel, HTML etc.

零基础 SAS/SQL 编程

名师: Dr. Wang, 华中科技大学博士。超过10 年的大学任教和大数据分析经验。 现在加拿大三大电信之一的 Telus 电信公司任数据科学家。

精品:ZOOM 实时授课,12 小时课程,内含一个银行实战项目。针对大数据分析,可以迅速掌握和使用 SAS/SQL 这一重要分析工具,开始进行大数据分析。


  • Fundamental knowledge and concepts about SAS/SQL programming.
  • Read in data from various sources such as CSV, delimited files, Excel and databases.  
  • Data Manipulation and Analysis:
    Sort/dedup data, subset and expand data, data aggregation and rollup,  data reshape and mutation, create analytic reports.
  • SQL and Macro Advanced Programming
  • Write out data to create external files such as CSV, text, Excel, HTML  etc. 
  • Homework after each lecture and a financial case study for you to practice.


名师:Dr. Jia,  McMaster 大学博士。资深大数据分析专家,10 年金融和信贷风险分析经验。2016 年曾在McMASTER大学数学系任教。

适合学员:  毕业求职学生,希望转行的在职人员.

适合专业:Science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, business, economics.


精品课程, 久经锤炼,助你步入大数据行业

此为 SparkData 七年来的精品培训,是商业分析的实战演练。在资深专家的引领指导下,让你快速掌握关键技能,迅速步入大数据分析行业。

训练方式:Lecture + Hands-On  Projects + QA + Code Review  + In Class Presentation

要求:必须使用 SAS/R/Python 编程,独立完成项目,并进行课堂演讲汇报.

Phase I:   Hands-on projects,  商业分析实习项目

  • 电信顾客流失分析和预测
  • 银行顾客分析与商业运营设计
  • 零售业顾客价值分析
  • 信贷风险分析与管理

Phase II: Resume and Interview,一对一求职辅导。

Your gain:

  • Hands-on experience, domain knowledge, business insights and analytic skills in consumer insights and business analytics.
  • Tailor resumes by industry experts and distinguished professionals.
  • Improve interview skills by interview clinic
  • Help with job offer negotiation and reference check.


此为高级核心技术培训。适合具有较强数学和统计知识,并有1-2 年大数据分析经验的人员。




This is an advanced training designed for people with intermediate to experienced data analysis and statistics knowledge. Machine learning and predictive modeling utilizes statistics and mathematics in order to predict future outcomes. It is the core technology behind key analytic processes and models such as database marketing, customer loyalty and retention, customer churn and win back, credit risk analysis and management etc.


  • Multiple linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, neural network, deep learning.
  • Model diagnostics and residual analysis
  • Model building process: performance definition, data sampling, data cleansing, variable transformation/imputation, missing values /outliers, WOE technique, variable selection procedure.
  • Model validation: cross validation, decile analysis, lift curve, odds chart, KS, GINI , ROC, AUC.
  • Model implementation and strategies

In contrast to university courses, this training pays close attention to the practical uses and approaches of statistical modeling in real industries. Instead, we focus on practical modeling methods, real work practice, business insights, interpretation and application. It includes 3 hands-on projects which will allow you to grasp these advanced concepts in no time.

VIP 求职辅导项目

VIP 保 Offer 项目特色

  1. 1V1 职业规划,VIP 全程托管
  2. 名企导师一对一精心辅导
  3. 小班课程系统学习专业技能和面试技巧
  4. 度身定制简历,针对性地进行模拟面试
  5. 内部推荐职位
  6. 帮助薪资谈判和完成背景调查

适合学员:  适合具有较强数学和统计知识,能够使用 SAS/SQL/Python 分析工具。请联系我们咨询详细情况。

Contact Us

    零基础 Python 编程

    名师: Dr. Wang, 华中科技大学博士。超过10 年的大学任教和大数据分析经验。 现在加拿大三大电信之一的 Telus 电信公司任数据科学家。

    精品:ZOOM 实时授课,12 小时课程,内含一个银行实战项目。针对大数据分析,可以迅速掌握和使用 Python 这一重要分析工具,开始进行大数据分析。


    • Data types in Python: scalar, list, tuple, dict, series, data frame etc.
    • Read in data from various sources such as CSV, delimited files, Excel and databases.
    • NumPy and pandas packages for data analysis and manipulation:
      Sort/dedup data, subset and expand data, data aggregation and rollup, data reshape and mutation, create analytic reports.
    • Write out data to create external files such as CSV, text, Excel, HTML etc.
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